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Radio Enfer


Directed by Francois Jobin

Written by Luc Déry, Yves Lapierre, Michel Lessard, François Parenteau, Isabelle Langlois, Martin Thibaudault


Genre : Comedy

Length :  143 episodes of 30 minutes each

Language:  French




The action takes place in a high school somewhere in Quebec.   Four high school students from different family backgrounds find themselves at the head of their school's student radio station. In addition to ensuring the proper functioning of the radio, these teenagers will have to do their best to juggle their academic, family and social life.

Their agreement is not smooth; the incompatibility of characters making the cohabitation electric, even explosive.   This will provoke scenes with high humorous potential, based as much on the comedy of the situations as on the "clash" of personalities. 

Despite their differences and disagreements, our four protagonists will eventually forge bonds of friendship and develop great solidarity to face the outside world.


Cast :


Francois Chenier

Rachel Fontaine

Anne-Claude Chenier

Michael Charette

Joel Marine,

Isabelle Drainville

Micheline Bernard

Pierre Claveau

Robin Aubert

Vincent Tycoon

Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge



Awards :


François Chénier, Youth program artist category (MétroStar 2002)

Micheline Bernard, Best Performance in a Leading Role: Youth category (Gémeaux 2001)

Nomination: Claudio Luca, Producer, Best Program or Series category
youth, 13-17 years old: all categories (Gémeaux 2001)
Nomination: Claudio Luca, Producer, Best Program or Series category
youth, 13-17 years old: all categories (Gémeaux 2000)

Nomination: Louis-Philippe Morin, Pascal Blanchet, Best Text category:
youth program or series: all categories (Gémeaux 2000)

Micheline Bernard, category Best interpretation: program or series
youth; dramatic (Gemini 1999)

Nomination: Claudio Luca, Producer, Best Program or Series category
youth, 13-17 years old: all categories (Gémeaux 1999)

Claudio Luca, Producer, Best Youth Program or Series category:
13-17 years old: all categories (Gemini 1998)

Yves Lapierre, Luc Dery, category Best text: youth program or series:
all categories (Gemini 1998)

Nomination: François Jobin, category Best director: program or
youth series (Gemini 1998)

Nomination: François Chénier, Best Performance category:
youth program or series; dramatic (Gemini 1998)

Nomination: Joël Marin, Best Performance category:
youth program or series; dramatic (Gemini 1998)

Claudio Luca, Producer, Best Youth Program or Series category:
13-17 years old: all categories (Gemini 1997)

Micheline Bernard, category Best interpretation: program or series
youth; dramatic (Gemini 1997)

Louis Saia, Yves Lapierre, Luc Dery, Michel Lesssard, Francois Parenteau,
category Best text: youth program or series: all categories
(Gemini 1997)

Nomination: Michel Charette, Best Performance category:
youth program or series; dramatic (Gemini 1997)

Youth Choice (Alliance for Children and Television, Award of Excellence 1997)

Robin Aubert, category Best interpretation: program or series
youth; dramatic (Gemini 1996)

Nomination: Anne-Claude Chénier, Best Performance category:
youth program or series; dramatic (Gemini 1996)

Nomination: Claudio Luca, Pierre Olivier, Producers, category
Best youth program or series, 13-17 years old: all categories (Gémeaux 1996)

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